Wednesday 19 September 2012

Monarch of the glen, first essay

Monarch of the glen explores two opposing representations of age which supports Levi-Straus theory of conflict between binary opposites. I will be discussing how youth is represented in the clip as vulnerable, powerless and imature and also maturity, that is presented as being powerful, wise and stern.
       When Amy crashes the car into her headteachers car she quickly hides behind the two males. This conveys her vulnerability. Also the camera looks down at Amy when she is getting told of this highlights the lack of power she has compared to the other characters. This confirms that Amy is just a child who needs protecting.
        On the othe hand, when the headteacher is telling Amy off the camera looks up at him, emphasizing the power he must have. His stiff posture shows his confidence in himself. Showing viewers his stern nature.
        The director highlights Amys imaturity when we find out she has run away. The camera is shot from outside the window she has escaped out of. This shows that her child like mind has come into place and will probably get her into more trouble. Her irrational thinking portrays her youth and supports Levi-Straus theory of conflict between binary opposites.
         In clip the headmaster is poured in a posh goblet type glass. Brandy has connotations of maturty as brandy is seen as and old fashioned drink because no one really drinks it anymore.

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