Wednesday 7 November 2012

semiotics first image

First image: Signifier – The picture contains school books and folders sprawled on the floor. Signified – Folders and school books shows that this is a student’s room. The folders are all over the floor it shows that the student has quite a care-free attitude towards their school work. Also, because the folders have been left on the floor and not put on the desk it emphasizes further how the student isn’t really bothered about school. The sign is iconic as the image shows that the school work as just been casually left on the floor highlighting the student is not bothered about school work.

Monday 5 November 2012

Semiotics (semiology)

Semiotics- The stidy of signs There are two parts for any sign... 1. Singifier - What it is 2. Signified - What it suggests Signs are culturaly learnt. There are three types of signs... 1. Iconic - Looks like waht it represents but suggests something more. 2. Indexical - Indicates/makes reference to something else. 3. Symbolic - It has an arbitrary meaning. (The meaning is only something we've learnt) Mise-en-scene Everything in the scene. - Camera - Mise-en-scene - Editing - Sound Also... - Setting - Body language -Facial expressions - Hair and makeup - Costume -Colour and lighting, high key (bright) and low key (dim) lighting.